September 20, 2024

Country Club Behavior


To The Editor:

As a former citizen of East Providence for forty-three years, a student, K through twelve, in its school system, a longtime teacher within that same system, and now, as a retiree, I want to express my anger and disgust at the way the sale of one hundred and five acres of prime East Providence land has been jobbed off to a local construction group for the ridiculous price of a about two and a half million.

It’s as if the government of East Providence has money to burn, which, of course, it doesn’t.

To allow a purchase and sales agreement to be signed for this sum shows spectacularly bad judgment on the part of the city, which still has rights in this matter.

Can the city undo the entire deal? Why not? Explain much more, please. In specifics.

Looks like we’ve handed off one exclusive club to another group of clubby people. One hundred and five acres of water view for two and a half million? What realtor would not, in private, laugh at such a deal? And ridicule it.

In the meantime, we’re supposed to bemoan the loss of a club where people play games and trade favors. A unique Donald Ross design, among a dozen others.

The idea that all government is bad and that all taxpayers were born to be ripped off is only reinforced by these transparent antics.

There’s still time and opportunity for the city to reassert itself.

Show us something different. Show us something halfway decent and respectable. Show us something that will return reasonable money to the city so that it, too, can develop an immune system and not be preyed upon.


Arnold McConnell


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