May 2, 2024

To My Fellow Drivers:


Did you know that if you are driving in an EP school zone, and the yellow lights are NOT flashing, then you can obey the regular speed limit?

I ask because when I'm driving on Pawtucket Avenue, in front of the Kent Heights School, in the early morning, I know I can drive 30 miles per hour when the school lights are not flashing. No one is in the school. So no need to drive 15-20 miles per hour. See how that works?

Driving the normal speed limit allows me to get where I'm going on time. Cool, right? However, if you are unable to comprehend the basic rules of the road and you drive 15 mph, then you make me mad. And sometimes late. Not cool.

Let's review: lights flashing means slow down. No lights flashing means to drive the normal speed limit. Now that we've cleared that up, I look forward to not hating you while I'm stuck behind you!

Best wishes to all of you,
Renee Somers


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