May 5, 2024



Hennessey students and staff focused on the core value of Growth Mindset in February. Students learned what it means and how it will help them in their learning. Jaxson, a grade 3 student, thinks “it is very important to have a growth mindset. The more you work your brain, the more it will grow and that’s a good thing!” Second grader, Ancika knows that you need to have a growth mindset and persevere when you are reading because that is how you become better at reading. We know at Hennessey that Readers are Leaders and we continue to strive to achieve that.

School Spirit was at an all time high with sports day and pink and red day spirit day in February. The classrooms were filled with students showing their sportsmanship and school pride! March will be busy with lots of spirit and fun activities with Crazy Hair/Hat Day, Dress to Impress Day, Green Day and Mismatched/Crazy Socks, and our first virtual family game night!

SurveyWorks will be administered to all of our students, families, and staff at the beginning of March. Surveyworks is a survey from the Rhode Island Department of Education that all our school community participates in each year. The goal is to allow all stakeholders the opportunity to give feedback on their school experience. Families can access information on completing the survey on our schoolwide dojo.

Looking forward to learning about our March core value of Responsibility and focusing on our school core values of being SAFE, RESPECTFUL and PROUD!


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