June 18, 2024

Desrosiers pitches 1-hit gem as Townies beat Johnston 5-2 to live another day. Ep plays at Westerly on Sunday at 5:30pm.

EP Senior Kyler Lorenz breaks game open.


East Providence sophomore pitcher Kyle Desrosiers answered the call for today's must win playoff game against Johnston High and came through big time. The 10th grader pitched a complete game, 1-hitter for the victory.

East Providence broke open a skin-tight scoreless game in the bottom of the 5th inning when they crossed the plate twice for the lead. Brian Rutkowski had a lead-off walk followed by a sacrifice Tyler DiCecco bunt to move Rutkowski to 2nd. With two outs, Max Correiro walked. Rutkowski stole 3rd base with Correiro also taking 2nd. Next up Kyler Lorenz singled sharply to right field scoring Rutkowski and Correiro.

"It took awhile for us to get the offense going, but with two outs senior Kyler Lorenz came through," said Head Coach Bobby Rodericks after the game. "I just knew he was going to come through like a senior captain should," he added.

Desrosiers continued to stymie Johnston and the Townies picked up three more runs in the 6th inning. Nolan Lorenz led off the inning with a triple to deep right field. Tim Robitaille lined a single to right-center scoring Lorenz. Oliver Andrews was hit by a pitch and Ep had runners on 1st and 2nd. Townie DH Colin Roche singled sharply to left field plating Robitaille and Andrews with Roche out trying to get to 2nd.

Johnston scratched out two runs in the 7th on a couple of errors on tough plays but DesRosiers held down the fort for the Townie win. Desrosiers finished a complete game giving up just one hit. The two Johnston runs were unearned and EP finished with 4 hits but very timely hits.

"Sophomore Kyle Desrosiers pitched a hell of a game for us. We had full confidence in him as a staff and we took a chance on him making sure our pitching is deep for Westerly. Luckily it worked out in our favor. We are ready for tomorrow," said Rodericks.

East Providence plays Westerly at Westerly in a 5:30 game on Sunday June 2nd. The two teams know each other well.


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