June 26, 2024

Assembly passes Sen. Felag and Rep. Speakman’s drinking water protection bill


State House – The General Assembly today passed legislation sponsored by Sen. Walter S. Felag, Jr. and Rep. June Speakman that protects against toxic chemicals in drinking and other water sources.

“The presence of toxic chemicals in our drinking water, as well in ground and surface water, is a serious problem that poses significant health and environmental concerns. This bill will protect our residents and the environment by ensuring that unsafe levels of these chemicals are no longer found in our water supply and it will allow Rhode Island to join the other New England states with PFAS water standards,” said Senator Felag (D-Dist. 10, Warren, Bristol, Tiverton).

“PFAS chemicals are ubiquitous in consumer products, despite the known dangers and all the questions that remain about their long-term effects or how to rid them from our bodies or environment. We cannot continue to tolerate this health hazard,” said Representative Speakman (D-Dist. 68, Warren, Bristol).

The legislation (2022-S 2298A, 2022-H 7233A) would provide for the Department of Health to take action to establish maximum contaminate levels for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water and set interim standards. The act would also provide that the Department of Environmental Management set standards for PFAS in ground and surface waters, and adopt standards for PFAS monitoring at landfills.

The legislation now heads to the governor’s desk for consideration.


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